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G-1 acts as the headquarters of the marines in the new world It is shown to have a mainly western style, in contrast with the ancient Japanese-stylized buildings in the other marine bases. To mark this difference, the new palace shows also the occidental name of the organization, other then the usual kanji. Its perimeter is followed by a rectangular-shaped wall, with large towers in the corners, on top of which there are cannons, watchtowers and flags. On the wall is reported the text "MARINE". In the inside of the wall there's a huge cylindrical-shaped tower with the Marine symbol on it and the kanji for "Marines" On the top of this tower is collocated a structure similar to a Roman Colosseum, with three concentric scaled lines of fake arcades where are positioned various cannons. In the inside of the Colosseum structure, there's an ancient Japanese-stylized tower, similar to the actual Headquarters, with a huge entrance and a pagoda-shaped upper structure. From the pagoda's sides, two huge curved ramps starts, ending out of the external wall. On their highest points, two little structures are collocated. is said to be exactly symmetrical to Marineford on the other side of the Red Line.
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